
Taur virus: part 2

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Taur Virus 2

I wanted to die of embarrassment. I was in my bedroom, having become what I was taught to avoid, not becoming the target of my parents despise. After having lied that it wasn't anything serious and having them barge into my room only to find the surprise, even more, everyone would sure give me hell for having such a strong position against taurs in school … 'I'm screwed' I thought as I stared at them for what seemed like minutes which was actually mere seconds as my Mom's face was that of horror, which translated to a scream while dad's became that of anger.

"Ma-Marcus?" asked my mom, wanting me to shake my head but instead I nodded. Seemed she went light headed as she nearly fainted. Meanwhile, my dad simply looked away; I knew he was mad…

"M-Mom," I tried to say reaching for her or my dad but she simply backed as I showed her my hand. My hand covered in black fur with a bit stubbier fingers and claws erected at their tips. Even I was surprised by the sight as I still hadn't had much time to take notice on the changes. My mother looked confused and fearful… probably guessing I would contaminate her. She turned and left through the door. My dad saw this and followed. I could hear him curse on his way out.

Right now, we were only the three of us in the house and I was alone in my room for now. Looking around I realized I would have to walk, it was already done and I would have to deal with that… it was easy to think than to do. First thing first, I had to check how bad this was, for that I was supposed to go to a special Taur store. There I could certainly buy what I would need such as special clothing, gadgets and so on. But most important: a time test. With it I can find out how much time I would be locked like this. It was like going and seeing of one tested positive for a disease, I just hoped I would stay for a couple of days… a week tops and not be relocated to a taur house, or a farm as Steve and I used to call it. God I was gonna look like a hypocrite and more of a jerk.

First things first I had to stand up. I looked down at the two additional sets of legs, not sure of how to control them and then looking at my second back. Placing my hand on it I was amazed as it twitched under my touch and so did my legs, even my tail swished a couple of centimeters. I tried to move my forepaw for a test and it stretched under me. Placing my hand on the bed, and struggling at first, I stood up slowly as I moved one leg at a time.

And there I was, standing in my room as a furry cat human with the midsection of an animal... I was a cat taur. I took a second looking at my form, twisting my back to take a look at my body. I surely did feel more stable like this than with two legs, I tried to lift one paw at the time, still trying to get used to it. My sensitive ears picked up my parents talking in the kitchen, there was no way they would have me around like this… even less take me to the store. Taking stock, I had just my shirt on. I needed to get my backpack, my wallet… and pants. I looked at the pant shreds on the ground, then at my new body.  Well taurs don't need much clothing… especially with all the fur.

After that came the second task: walk.  It was a bit weird, my thoughts were messed up. I knew that my hind legs were my original pair and that the fore ones were the ones I had to learn to control. But... I just felt so messed up, as my mind was re-wired, as if my leg controls were made into pieces and remixed. I tried moving as if I still had two legs. As a result my forelegs moved, only my forelegs did attempting against my balance. I quickly undid the move. I tried to do that again this time centering on my hind legs ending in me tripping over as just those moved.

"Ouch," I mumbled as my human part hit the floor, at least now I knew how to move.  I guessed it would be just a matter of practice as I stood up again. Taking one step at the time I managed to move around the room. I made my way to my school backpack and emptied it, picking up my cell phone and wallet. I took my wristwatch but after finding out that it constantly entangled and pulled my fur I tossed it away.  With that I placed the pack over my shoulder. I would need the empty space depending on the result.

I walked down the corridor and peeked into the kitchen… all I heard were my parents discussing on what a horrible disease I had, how I could be so careless and blaming the school about this…

"This is outrageous, we taught him to take care of himself as best we could, yet he somehow got infected… My poor child…" said my mom.

"This is because the school doesn't understand that getting infected is bad… it turns humans into animals," commented my dad with some fear. Logical, I guess, my parents had been clean for so long they started to believe they were immune.

"I should have guessed this would happen… it's all because of that taur teacher Miss Hawthorn." Great, now they were blaming her… and they kept talking. I didn't want to hear this, didn't know how to make myself present or simply leave. Just when I was about to do the latter…

"Marcus?" I heard a familiar voice right beside me. I was too enticed looking at the conversation to notice.  Turning around, I could see Trevor who arrived earlier from his morning classes, who, upon looking dropped his books and backpack.

There he was, much looking like an older version of me, short black hair, brown greenish eyes, he was even a bit fitter. Still he stared at me surprised, with mouth wide open, as if I was the monster our parents had taught us to fear. I could only nod to his question. Nervous as I was I couldn't say a lot.

"Marcus, how? Why?" He asked getting the attention of my parents.

"Boys, come over," said my dad as I entered the room, since my body occupied a great deal of space in the hallway. Once there I debated whether to sit down considering my enhanced midsection, so I simply stood there and so did Trevor. My dad was the first to shoot a question "How did this happen, son?" He asked with a strong look.

I simply shrugged, I had no idea how did I got infected in the first place. I had no close contact with any anthro and took all precautions when dealing with Miss Hawthorn. "I don't know dad," I answered.

"That cannot be true… Did that teacher approach you or did you spent much time with that Trish girl? Or got in contact with any other taur?" said my mom, obviously trying to look for a scapegoat for the blame.

"No dad, none of those," I said seeing my father mad of it. After all the campaign they have done in the school and the community to have more caution with infected taurs, this must be a heavy blow for them.

"Then how can this happen!?" He asked having lost patience. "You don't contract that disease unless you have been close to them!"

"Dad I-I don't know how I contracted the disease… and there is not much I can do about it. I'm already a freak!" I said gesturing at my body.

"Don't talk like that, Marc," said Trevor approaching petting my taur part… which felt oddly good. However in a matter of seconds my mother yelled.

"Don't do that, probably that's how he got the virus!" She said. "We must take him to a doctor to determine how serious this is." I guessed there was no way they were taking me to a taur shop.

"Mom, stop let's just head to the nearest taur store," I said a bit worried as there was no way I could fit comfortably in the car. I was scared about their reaction and I had to choose my words. All this time my parents had the ability to turn my words against me.

"Marcus, I'm sorry but I just have a meeting to attend to," said my dad while holding his forehead, he was a person easy to stress up.

"… And have a reunion with some clients," says my mom.

I didn't know if they were telling the truth or not at that time, it sounded to me as if they were afraid of me, never once reached for me while as a taur. At that moment I told them, "Then I'll head on my own." I turned my back and headed out. Trevor did try to tag along to help but my mom immediately called him back. I was the one scared, the one that felt that I wasn't human anymore, and would have a hard time adjusting to this change, even if it was temporary. Placing my backpack on both shoulders I headed out and exited my house.


If memory served there was supposed to be a taur store nearby. I used to see it every time I went to school. Leaving my house at such tense moment probably wasn't the best idea, but my parents would question me and I would feel uncomfortable hanging there for a while, I just needed some time away… I guess.

Anyway it felt weird walking as a taur. I mean, recalling how a couple of hours ago I tried to learn to walk I was getting better and better by the second, right now I was having no trouble, barely tripping with no risk of planting my face against the pavement. I recall reading that the virus is supposed to fill in the missing information and make the adjustment faster.

Walking down the street with no pants felt weird. Oddly enough I barely called the attention or had people made a scandal about it, that's what happened during the first year of the outbreak. By this time, the neighbors would simply turn their heads and wonder "Who is that?" or "Another taur?" Still it felt weird to move around, only clad in a shirt and a backpack.  At least they didn't recognize me.

The place wasn't really close, about in the middle of the road to school. As a human I would make it with some effort thanks to my cross-country training but like this I barely made the effort or felt tiredness. I guess this body must have had its perks… and I was sure I would get expelled from the cross-country team for it.

The store was the usual type, it was a small place, seemed to be owned by a single person instead of a big company or chain shops for taurs. At first the stores were funded by the government just to keep track on the taurs, security risk I guess, but as time passed they started to make this more a private industry rather than public. This place was the one that held the greatest concentration of infected, either people showing symptoms, already changed, or people in the final stages of the virus. For so long I had avoided them and now I was about to enter ground zero. I tried to remind myself I was already with the virus and nothing wrong will come out of conduct.

As for the place it was a mix of everything. Despite being a 'small' store, it had practically everything a taur could need: from electronic devices like special earphones for sensitive ears to luxurious dresses for taur girls. This place had everything. But I really hope I won't be making much use of this place. All I had to do was to head there, order a test to determine the strain of the virus, grab a few things and pray I would stay like this for a couple of days.

Once I arrived to the cashier, an old man, around his 50's who I was sure had had his fair share of taur moments. He looked at me over his glasses. "Hello, son. How can I help you?" he asked.  After a brief inspection he eyes lit up. "Ah.  New taur?" I nodded. "Don't get a lot of those lately, mostly it all the kids in preschool. I guess you need a T.V. test," he says turning to the shelves behind the counter and picking up some rod like device with two flat sides, one with a screen and the other with the scanner. It was a standard test and way better than the first method of analysis: blood samples.

My ears laid down flat against my skull and whimpered already anticipating any sort of bad outcome. 'Please be two weeks' I thought.  The clerk ran the scanner along my body, then to my back and my flanks until the machine beeped. I simply waited as the man tapped a few buttons screen and read the results. "Well son, it seems you contracted a thirty day strain…"  I freaked out.

"No… but how… I mean, I never came in contact with any taur… I can't be stuck like this for a month! My parents are already freaked out about this." I tried to say as the clerk headed to the shelves and showed me what seemed to be some sort of shredded leaves. At first I stared not sure what to do and was ready to lose it in the store but as I sniffed the leaves I started to feel weird. The scent was odd, alluring, having me sniffing closer, and it certainly was relaxing. For a second I stopped worrying and simply wanted to roll on it. Drugs?

"Catnip," said the clerk in an 'as a matter of fact' way of speaking as he closed his hand and took the leaves away. I shook my head as he spoke, "it's the best way to calm an altered feline, more effective than squeaky toys for dog taurs," he said putting the item away and then turning to look at me. "I see you have a lot of pressure over you… so, I inform you, that as a frequent member of the taur community and the owner of the store, it is my job to sell whatever might help you cope." it must be pretty obvious this was my first time. "For instance, do you have a cell phone?"

I nodded and searched into my backpack for my cell phone and offered it to the owner who took it for a second and picked a box from the shelves. After a couple of minutes another phone was given to me, it was almost the same model than the original by with some modifications. The receiver end was specially padded and seemed muffled, the shape was a bit longer, probably to fit my new ear-mouth distance, and the buttons were padded. Punching a couple of digits I confirmed that it was for easier use and durability. "Uh… thanks."

"Don't worry, free cell phone exchange is one of the services provided… also aside from that I'm sure I can provide tips and pamphlets about every species of taurs." He said handing me a cat pamphlet and I put it in my pack. It was the best thing to do... I mean the more I find out about this body the better adjusted I would be.

Afterwards the owner directed me to the health care product area. He commented that I should be using special shampoo and soap for my fur to keep it healthy. He even recommended a special toothpaste for cat taurs. As he headed to the back store for that special perfume-deodorant, I heard someone call for me. "Marcus!?" Even more, I knew who it was.

I turned my back to look at no other than Trish staring at me, she was still in the same clothes from school, I glanced at the time in my cell phone … it was already 3 o'clock. She must have come here straight from school once the classes were over. She was the first person from school that knew about my condition. I looked back at her shyly. "Hi Trish" That answered her question as she entered the store.

"I guessed I would find you in this store…  How is it going?" She asked inspecting me from up and down and taking a look at my flanks. "So… a cat, huh?" she commented.

"Not well… my parents sort of freaked out and I had to take the initiative and come here, since it's not like they will ever come close here," I said picking up looking at some clothes.  I was doing all I could to try not to look at her in her eyes. Part of me felt embarrassed of how I've treated her and let our relationship wither. "And I'm not sure what to do once I go back."

"I hope your parents will understand," she said with some doubt. She was well aware of the situation with my father… more than once they had chased her off the house after her first change.  She placed her hand on my side, sort of reassuring me, which did.

"Trish seriously, did you see…" Just then the clerk returned from the back store carrying a spray, 'Old Spice' style presentation. By this moment almost all healthcare companies designed a taur line.

"Well here we have… Oh, hi Trish, what brings you around? Another time coming soon?" He says recognizing her and greeting her with arms wide open.

She giggled. "Hi Rupert, no I don't feel sick… for now. I'm just taking care of my friend here," she said, still "petting" me.

Rupert looked at us. "Well, son, you are surely gonna need her help if you are gonna be staying like that for a month… she's an expert on taurs by this point." His comment caused Trish to turn on me.  The average for her usually went between two to three weeks.

"A month?" She said surprised and a tad worried "Woah, how are your parents gonna take it?" she asked.

For a second I thought and then answered, "I'm not sure. They seemed a bit shocked and pissed of having me around." She looked at me.

"I think they will, they have no other choice," she commented, "I mean, I'm sure this'll give them a change of heart… hopefully."

"You don't know them like I do," I said, completely believing they would never change their position. Even for me. As a response she flipped my ear, causing me to react.

"You can't talk about them as if they would fear what you've become. I panicked when I first changed but the change only had us grow more together as a family, after that I felt better because I knew I could trust them. By the time they made the house modifications they were already missing me."

My eyes widened. House modifications. My parents were less likely to pay for that. I mean that would be like them eating back their own words. "Oh my god, how did I forget that," I muttered. "There is no way they will pay or even allow the modifications in the house."

Trish looked at me and patted. "Well you're always welcome at my place… I don't think you wont have any problem with that. If not, I think you'll have to be staying at a taur hotel… for the time being."

"Taur hotel? You mean those taur farms?" I say earning a glare from her. "Uh… I take that back… but will I be staying for an entire month there?"

"At least until the modifications are done, which takes like two to three days," she said and looked down. "Thirty days is a lot of time to be ignored."

My ears dropped, feeling sad. "I guess I'll be going into a taur hotel for the time being."

Trish simply placed my arm around my shoulders. "Don't worry, I'll be your guide in 'taurdiness,'" she giggled and turned at the clerk. "Rupert can you call the 'Four leg' home and reserve a room?"

"And my day isn't over yet…."


I spent the rest of my shopping day with Trish. She got me some clothes that would make me look decent. I mean, not everyone expected taurs to wear shorts for the extra parts but still it would help me feel more human. I bought a pair of shorts for the fore and hind parts, lucky for me there was a discount for 'newbies.' Aside from that I bought the soap, shampoo, deodorant, a special brush (this one she insisted) as well as some earphones for my music, and finally a special set of gloves for punching buttons without cracking them.

Trish as a friend was a real expert in taurs. She told me all sorts of tips about the body, warned me about stairs and gave me some advice, such as avoiding them, going slowly if they weren't too steep and so on. Also she told me how to take care of my fur. "Never leave it too wet," "loose clothing doesn't always produce itch," "avoid rugs or velvet furniture cause you'll either shed or get entangled" and so on. She was a great help and well. I felt pretty bad for having my parents banishing her all this time… and I was happy she still considered me a friend.  Kinda amazing really.

Eventually she had to leave and I was left to face my family. With already the reservation made I only had to inform my parents that I was gonna have to leave away, at least until the family decided to pay for the modifications. I headed there, now wearing some hind short that were adjusted for my tail and fur. It felt a bit odd, especially considering my… second torso was naked. I had the solution for that, but didn't feel like wearing it (it was more like clothing that wrapped between the fore and hind garments and zipped them together) . At first it felt weird to wear it but I was getting more and more adjusted, just like walking.

At last I arrived home, in there I saw my parents there, taking care of the usual stuff while already taking care of sanitizing my whole clothes, leaving me with the clothes I washed that morning. I really didn't wanna retell what happened there. They were in some sort of denial.

"Now Marcus head to your room, and get ready for dinner, we'll prepare some special dinner for you," my dad said. That was before telling me I will dine in my room… additionally they commented I would not have free access to the entire house. Yeah, I knew where it was going. I could tell they were a bit stressed and annoyed, even more when I told them I would be living in a Taur hotel in the meantime, and by meantime I meant the time it would take me to feel comfortable at home.

"No, Marcus you are not going to such place!" said my parents still annoyed, saying things like, "you don't belong there" and "That place is for infected" As I said, total denial. I clenched my teeth as I headed upstairs and threw my clean clothes into my backpack as well as some personal belongings such as my books, documents and my laptop. Once everything was ready I set off and left the house, after stating firmly that I will be heading there. I really preferred to have Trevor over (he was in college at that time), he seemed understanding enough… I hoped.

They tried to dissuade me to stay, to which I had to answer "No! I can't stay, I'm not human, I'm a taur! I can't live here and behave as if I didn't have two extra legs. I'll be gone for a few days and it's up to you when I will return.  I think it's best for you two to wake up," I said, a bit sad as I left the front door. To be honest I had never lived on my own. If you consider that my parents were protective enough to keep us away from every possible source of the virus, then it is logical to assume this is the first time I would be taking care of myself.

"This is gonna be hard," I muttered turning back at my house as I left at 5:45 pm.


Later that day I arrived at the taur hotel named 'Four Leg Inn'. The place was completely crowded by taurs, even more dense than the store, I could see several different species, a couple of horse, dogs, wolves, other cats like me and even exaggerated like a yak or a mouse… all ranging from small sized to more than two meters tall.

I arrived just to find out that Mr. Rupert had indeed made the reservation, with just my first name. The owner of the place - a dog taur, collie to be precise - greeted me "Hello, Marcus right?" he spoke with a condescending tone "Rupert, the owner of the store called me, he was in such a rush to have a reservation made, luckily we had a room available for people your size…"

He walked out of the counter revealing his fluffy body, clad in a simple shirt and wearing nothing below, I guess wearing the custom made pants would easily get entangled with that fur… he took a set of keys off the hanger and led me down the hallway.

"The rules here are simple, we're fund by the state and in return we have a policy of not charging the first 2 weeks. While every day after that you get charged, not much but a moderate sum." Says as we pass several other taurs, I could see a pair of love birds, not literally passing right beside us, both taurs… must be good to have someone to experience this with… anyway he kept talking "since you are still underaged, I may need you to get me a permission from your parents to allow you to stay here… aside from that if you need any help, let me or the person in charge know."

We continued on as he kept explaining the place. This day certainly was long and so far I was learning lots of things. He explained at what time lights were supposed to be turned off, lunches and meals were served which or what time. We passed several bathrooms; all seemed to be a tad bigger than expected and there was some communal showers. I got some tips of at what times the place was empty. Anyway, I kept looking around interested, the place was a bit simple, and the building was fairly new and well designed.

"Anyway that'll be all for now, here is the key and tv remote… now, as a final question, do you need a wake up call tomorrow?" to which I nodded since after 5 years after the outbreaks school declared that being a taur was no excuse for missing class (of course being about to change was). I thanked him and gave the room a check.

My room wasn't the biggest thing I've seen, considering the hallways were organized according to the size of the taur form, I ranked medium to small. It was simple, had a small tv, a circular bed that reminded me to a cat bed. Aside from that there was a desk with no chair and enough drawers to store my books.  I asked about the chair and the owner informed that I would simply have to sit on my haunches, like an animal. I looked at the closet for my belonging.

After unpacking, which took a great share of my time since I wasn't used, I looked around and for the first time, I felt alone. It all happened so fast and I couldn't shake the thought that the events aren't over yet. I started watching some TV, trying to distract my mind until I started feeling tired and began to doze off, in the bed after finding a decent position.
Here i am, after a long absence i post a story, i know this isnt the genetic park story but it is something i was doing and i consider this a warm up for what i'll be writing this short vacation.

Well it seems Marcus is facing some more trouble, the reactions of her parents and a friend to his change.

As always any sort of comments will be apreciated, i need to know if i'm still in optimum condition

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D4tBui's avatar

Taur pants. Now all I can think of is that meme with the dog wearing pants.